A person becomes a yogi when he is able to stop the rotations around the Manipura chakra – so it becomes still – no clockwise or anti-clockwise movement. The Manipura Chakra rotates clockwise and anti-clockwise according to the flow of Ida and Pingala. No other chakras rotate except the Manipura Chakra. But stopping the rotation of this chakra is a key to Kundalini Shakti rising. This occurs when one goes deeper in mantra practice. As one goes deep into one’s practice, several things start happening. The aspects of Muladhara chakra that are responsible for our worldly attachments and desire to the material world start to shut down and the yogi becomes less attached to the material world. As the meditation progresses the lower three chakras cease to affect the yogi’s mind.
The 4 shaktis, Hankini, Shankini, Dankini and Kankini are activated as the mediation progresses.